Wednesday, October 20, 2010

First day of the rest of my life!

Today is the first day of the rest of my life! How exciting! I can’t wait for the day that I wake up out of hospital and can walk into our kitchen and make a fresh juice. To look outside and see the hustle and bustle of Bondi. To open the door and walk out into the sunshine and see the ocean. To feel the sun shining down on me and the breeze in the air! Am so excited just to be able to walk on the beach and feel the sand in between my toes. To reach down and stretch, to look up into the sky and not see fluorescent hospital lights.

I’m excited at the thought of having breaky at Rose Bay Marina (my favourite thing to do!). I’m excited to eat vegemite and avocado on toast while watching the boats come in and out of the harbour. Hell.. I’m excited at the thought of being on a boat again in the harbour!

And for all of my hobbies that I’ll be able to do again:

  • Yoga
  • Meditation
  • Body Balance
  • Golf
  • Cooking
  • Photography
  • Writing my book

I could even start those singing lessons finally! Dancing… I can’t wait to learn to ski and sail down a mountain slope!

I’m excited at the thought of being well enough to go to Bali with my little sister to show her the world. I can’t wait to check in and walk through immigration with her! To sit on the uncomfy seats but to know that in less than 10hours the hot rancid smell of Bali will be cruising down our nostrils! Woooo sooooo excited! And then the idea of waking up and browsing shops and buying heaps of clothes and accessories! God I can’t wait to shop wooowwoooo!! I’m excited to take her to the monkey temples where they teach the monkeys to steal your stuff so you pay them to get it back. I’m excited at the thought of getting haggled and annoyed by the locals screaming “you want me plait your hair… manicure… massage! Oh my god I’m excited for $10 massages!!! Everything is awesome when your lying in a hospital bed and you have had a little life scare- you appreciate everything! Well I know I do now!

And then… what about the future??? What do I look forward to?

I look forward to walking my dog on the beach everyday… (when I get him).. His name is pappy (happy puppy that stands for!) He is a white Toy Poodle cross Maltese. I look forward to gardening and making an awesome vege patch like my Auntie Jeni. I’m excited to spend hours in the kitchen preparing yummy feasts for my friends and loved ones. Feasts that melt in the mouth and heal the soul. Mmmmm mmmm!

I’m excited to work with fashion! To one day design my own pieces and share them with the worls. I’m excited to spend hours hunting around second hand stores for bargains, to alter them, and make them look hot. I’m excited to trawl through used books and buy 10 for $3 each and then only read little bits of them or certain chapters. I love that! I’m excited to work on my own book- to create something that people will read and learn from. I’m excited to share my knowledge and to help others!

And… I’m excited to live in the moment. To have had the realization that life could end at any moment is a huge thing. I’m excited to just try to take each day as it comes, stay in the present moment and just enjoy the little things that truly make me happy. Bring on life! I love you!

Infleximab #1 Gone Inside! Can’t sleep- Too excited about the thought of getting better!

3.18am 20/10/2010