Friday, June 3, 2011

Little snippets from my book i'm writing....

"We walked into the boardroom and I sat down and crossed my legs, curiously looking at the man opposite me. My suit was body tight, designer, and pinstripe. My heels sky high, my make up flawless and professional but my hair fell loosely over my shoulders giving the whole look a bit of a womanly edge that was enough to command his attention. He oozed power. I could tell straight away. The way he sat on the chair; he wasn’t even at the head of the table but I could tell that he had a lot more authority than my boss sitting next to me. They began to talk about the deal and as my boss tried to convince him to do business with us I checked him out and evaluated what I saw. He was tall, well built, he had strong shoulders and a clear defined jawline. His hair was thick and black, his nose straight and endering and his brown eyes bore into mine. His lips were soft and pink and suddenly I imagined myself kissing him right there in the boardroom with my boss sitting next to me, and an office full of staff. Suddenly I was giving him a seductive look and I didn’t even realize it. He noticed straight away and his attention turned from the deal to me".

and here is another paragraph...

"Lying in his arms I could feel every curve of his body as his chest rose and fell with his breaths. Snuggled into the nook between his shoulder and chest I felt safe and at ease for the first time in months. I was so close I could smell him. A musky smell… a mix of day old alcohol, cigarettes and sweat. It smelt so familiar, yet it was the first time I had ever been that near to him. At any other time this was not a smell that would appeal to me, yet there, on that night, lying in his arms watching television that smell felt like home. And that’s how we stayed for hours. Scared to move, yet afraid to be closer. Connected through the touch of our bodies, but not yet connected in the way that it felt we should be. Silence in the air, yet so much desire on the tip of our tongues.

It was so late I remember slipping in and out of consciousness, dreaming that we were there together in every sense of the word. He had his arm around me and was stroking my back. Each movement felt like a warm torch lighting up my body. I wanted to feel his lips on my own so badly. I could smell him, and I could feel the heat of his breathe. Every time his fingers stroked my back I dreamt of him pulling me close and embracing me with the whole of his being.

Slowly the hours passed and his fingers explored more of the skin on my back. His touch got harder and more urgent. His caress quickened and with each movement pulled me close to his body. And suddenly I looked at him and he turned his head and kissed me. I felt a fire cursing in my veins and the heat between us could have warmed the whole room. It was like nothing I had ever experienced before. It was insatiable".

Saturday, March 19, 2011


Holy farrrrrkkkkk!
Have you ever been in that situation where you are trying not to kiss someone because you know they are so bad for you yet you look at them and your body melts and you just have to kiss them instantly or you feel like you will explode. The heat is on and youre in the moment, bodies crushed together, goosebumps all over your skin. You try to pull away and a magnet pulls you back and your head says no no no and your body has a complete mind of its own.

Heart matters

Love. Its a big crazy word that is so hard to define and so hard to understand. It is passion and excitement and desire. It is a need to hold someone, to touch someone, to care for them. It is when you look at someone and you look past their imperfections and all you see is them. The real them. Love it lifts you up, it grinds you into the ground. It makes you giddy and jumpy and insecure and just when you think you have had it all it does a 180 and you are in a totally different position as a minute ago.

Being a woman I feel like love, or the want for love overtakes our every thought and action. We are so focused on finding that special someone to share our life with that we forget about all the other things that matter. Like ourselves. And our sense of self. Our ambition. Our goals. Our independence.

Girls never lose your independence! Keep it with you whoever you meet, no matter how much you think they are the one. It is highly likely that the reason they love you is because of who you are and what you are passionate about and when you drop all that for a man it is no wonder you become unattractive to them.

This year is my investment year. I'm not looking for love I'm looking for a millionaire lifestyle funded by myself and my hard work. I've read countless books and talked to many many people about how to make my money work for me rather than me work for my money. I am so close to signing on a business deal that will change my life and it excites me to the core. Will keep you updated so watch this space. Talisha is set to soar in 2011.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Investment 101

Girls... If you are reading this I suggest that instead of looking towards men for financial freedom you start learning about investment for yourself. It is never too late and honestly the feeling it gives you when you know you are doing something fantastic for your own future... well its indescribable. Get on board and start taking your life into your own hands. So many women I know talk about how one day they will marry and their husbands will look after them. Don't think like this girls! Make it for yourself and then marry for love. If your man has money then great, added bonus, but at least you know you will always be financially independent because you have made your OWN money, and you have made your money work FOR you!

This year it is my goal to set myself on the path to financial freedom. Every single moment of every single day it is on my mind. I have written investment notes all over my bathroom wall so that every time i go to the bathroom, have a shower or brush my teeth I am reminded of my goals and my action plans to get there. The past few years I have been surrounded by successful men that have worked hard to get where they are. I want that for myself. I want the financial freedom that these 30 something guys have. And I know I can do it.

Im 27 years old. I have no debt, a small shares portfolio and now a steady income. I have brains and I have a passion to learn. For the past month I have been increasing my knowledge of both shares and property investment in order to understand the benefits and drawbacks of both. I listen to audio tapes every single day on investment and wealth creation. A few weeks ago I knew nothing about property. Now I know that there are two main strategies for property. Income or growth. I receive daily newsletters via email on the property market and I have researched quite a few towns that could provide either investment or growth. I have not yet found a property that could provide both.

Currently I have two options i am considering (but this could all change as I learn more).
1. Student accommodation
Purchase price $149k
Rental Income $298p/wk

2. Proposed mining development town in QLD
Purchase price $250k
Rental income $240p/wk
Potential= Capital Growth

I have asked all of my friends if they know anyone who is a property investor. I want to learn as much as I can and to do that I need people that know more than me. Either books or conversations. Last week I was looking at a group email sent by a girlfriend of mine asking about plans for the weekend. I checked out the recipients list and noticed that one of the email addresses looked familiar. It was. I googled the name and it was actually the same company that wrote the first property investment book that I read in February. I emailed him and asked if i could by him a coffee or dinner in exchange for a chat about property investment. It is my goal this year to get as much knowledge as possible so I can make sound financial decisions. He agreed. I am meeting with him in 2 weeks. I hope to learn a lot.

In the mean time I have also just purchased 2 books on the strategies of Warren Buffet- the greatest investor of all time. I have just started reading but am highlighting all the important bits I can take from it.

I have talked to my friends about what they look for to invest in. I have also listened to conversations of strangers and then asked them if I can take them for a coffee and pick their brains. I am so focused right now.

One friend who works for the ASX has said
- Look at management (are they solid)
- Look at the top 20 investors (are they family/ friends or are they large institutions)
- Look at profit growth over time

Another who is a trader has said
- You have to be aggressive at our age, capital growth is the key... it's the only way to beat the banks and shares provide the best gearing as an investment
- It's all about making your money work for you in the right class of assets, at the right time
- Right now it is exposure to resources

One $15mill business owner has said
- You will never turn $50k into millions through shares or property
- The best thing to do is back yourself and start a business

A real estate agent has advised
- The key to wealth creation is purchasing a property where the rent pays the mortgage and then you experience capital growth over the long term

All of these people are leaders in their fields, thus their investment advice is targeted towards what they know. I plan to take knowledge from all areas and then come up with the best strategy to suit my situation, income, and equity.

I don't plan on working my whole life. I plan to make my money work for me and to provide me with a passive income by the time im 32. That's 5 years from now. Last year I was sick and relying on the people I loved to look after me. I never want to be in that position again. It made me lose my confidence and independence and that is something that does not sit well with me. This year I'm back to myself. I'm getting better slowly and i'm as determined as ever to set myself up financially. It's gonna happen! Wait and see.