Saturday, March 19, 2011


Holy farrrrrkkkkk!
Have you ever been in that situation where you are trying not to kiss someone because you know they are so bad for you yet you look at them and your body melts and you just have to kiss them instantly or you feel like you will explode. The heat is on and youre in the moment, bodies crushed together, goosebumps all over your skin. You try to pull away and a magnet pulls you back and your head says no no no and your body has a complete mind of its own.

Heart matters

Love. Its a big crazy word that is so hard to define and so hard to understand. It is passion and excitement and desire. It is a need to hold someone, to touch someone, to care for them. It is when you look at someone and you look past their imperfections and all you see is them. The real them. Love it lifts you up, it grinds you into the ground. It makes you giddy and jumpy and insecure and just when you think you have had it all it does a 180 and you are in a totally different position as a minute ago.

Being a woman I feel like love, or the want for love overtakes our every thought and action. We are so focused on finding that special someone to share our life with that we forget about all the other things that matter. Like ourselves. And our sense of self. Our ambition. Our goals. Our independence.

Girls never lose your independence! Keep it with you whoever you meet, no matter how much you think they are the one. It is highly likely that the reason they love you is because of who you are and what you are passionate about and when you drop all that for a man it is no wonder you become unattractive to them.

This year is my investment year. I'm not looking for love I'm looking for a millionaire lifestyle funded by myself and my hard work. I've read countless books and talked to many many people about how to make my money work for me rather than me work for my money. I am so close to signing on a business deal that will change my life and it excites me to the core. Will keep you updated so watch this space. Talisha is set to soar in 2011.