Friday, June 3, 2011

Little snippets from my book i'm writing....

"We walked into the boardroom and I sat down and crossed my legs, curiously looking at the man opposite me. My suit was body tight, designer, and pinstripe. My heels sky high, my make up flawless and professional but my hair fell loosely over my shoulders giving the whole look a bit of a womanly edge that was enough to command his attention. He oozed power. I could tell straight away. The way he sat on the chair; he wasn’t even at the head of the table but I could tell that he had a lot more authority than my boss sitting next to me. They began to talk about the deal and as my boss tried to convince him to do business with us I checked him out and evaluated what I saw. He was tall, well built, he had strong shoulders and a clear defined jawline. His hair was thick and black, his nose straight and endering and his brown eyes bore into mine. His lips were soft and pink and suddenly I imagined myself kissing him right there in the boardroom with my boss sitting next to me, and an office full of staff. Suddenly I was giving him a seductive look and I didn’t even realize it. He noticed straight away and his attention turned from the deal to me".

and here is another paragraph...

"Lying in his arms I could feel every curve of his body as his chest rose and fell with his breaths. Snuggled into the nook between his shoulder and chest I felt safe and at ease for the first time in months. I was so close I could smell him. A musky smell… a mix of day old alcohol, cigarettes and sweat. It smelt so familiar, yet it was the first time I had ever been that near to him. At any other time this was not a smell that would appeal to me, yet there, on that night, lying in his arms watching television that smell felt like home. And that’s how we stayed for hours. Scared to move, yet afraid to be closer. Connected through the touch of our bodies, but not yet connected in the way that it felt we should be. Silence in the air, yet so much desire on the tip of our tongues.

It was so late I remember slipping in and out of consciousness, dreaming that we were there together in every sense of the word. He had his arm around me and was stroking my back. Each movement felt like a warm torch lighting up my body. I wanted to feel his lips on my own so badly. I could smell him, and I could feel the heat of his breathe. Every time his fingers stroked my back I dreamt of him pulling me close and embracing me with the whole of his being.

Slowly the hours passed and his fingers explored more of the skin on my back. His touch got harder and more urgent. His caress quickened and with each movement pulled me close to his body. And suddenly I looked at him and he turned his head and kissed me. I felt a fire cursing in my veins and the heat between us could have warmed the whole room. It was like nothing I had ever experienced before. It was insatiable".