Friday, February 26, 2010

Did someone say career?

In the world of Talisha a career is not exactly at the forefront of typical conversation. Mostly my friends come to me with discussions that go something like this:

1. "What does it mean when a boy does this? Do you think he will call? What should I do"

2. "What are we doing tonight? What are you wearing? And what can I borrow?"

3. "Guess what has just happened to me..."

4. "Oh my god I have had the most atrocious day.."

In the realm of fashion, boys and parties... well... what can I say... I know what I'm talking about. When it comes to career choices however, that is where my head is in the dark. Now don't get me wrong. I am totally fine with giving other people career advice. It's just that my own career goals are somewhat confusing.

Here... Let me recount a recent business meeting I had so that you understand what I mean.This happened last week when I approached a CEO of a huge company with the idea of being mentored.

"CEO: So Talisha, tell me about what you're good at.

T: Well... I'm great with people, I know that! I am great at marketing and ideas.

CEO: What about detail? Do you have attention to detail?

T: Well....umm....ahhh...umm

CEO: And what about computers? Are you good with computers?

T: Ummm well I wouldn't say I'm great. But then I'm not bad either. Let’s just say that I could probably teach most people a thing or two, but that I'm certainly not a computer geek who can do all the really cool stuff. Actually come to think of it most technology breaks when I'm nearby.

CEO: Ok what about your friend’s. What would your best friend say is the greatest thing about you?

T: Well that's a hard one because both of my best friends have a completely different relationship with me. One would probably say that I am loyal. Extremely loyal. The other would probably say I’m fun and exciting.

CEO: Ok well let’s see. What is the worst thing you have ever done?

T: Well I liked a guy that my BFF had been with. Instead of going to her and asking how she felt about him, I went to her and told her about how I felt about him. It was the wrong thing to do. I should have focused on her feelings first and not my own. It was selfish and I deeply regret it.

CEO: And what about the best thing?

T: I’ve been making a conscious effort to be a role model for someone special in my life and I think in the future this will have positive effects on her quality of life, self esteem, and wellbeing. (I told him more, but I can't tell you guys in cyber space sorry).

CEO: What would you like to do for a career?

T: I have no idea, that's why I came to you.

CEO: Hmmm

T: I mean don't get me wrong, I'm good at a lot of things. I love marketing and I have been really successful doing it. I love modelling and have heaps of fun meeting new people over the last ten years. I've been in front of the camera trying my hand at presenting and that gave me a thrill like no other. I've also edited some TV stories for my Auntie and Uncle using a program called Final Cut Pro. I loved the creative process of thinking about the whole story, its beginning, conflicts, and ending. Many people say I would be great at sales. I don't know; I've never really tried. Others say PR would be perfect for me because I chat away with everyone and I think strategically about company brands and image. So you see I actually have no idea what I should do or who I should be. I love doing so many things and I love the fact that my life is always changing and I'm not tied down. I want a career badly. To have something to work towards. The problem is I just don't know what that should be. That's why I came to you.

CEO: Hmmm...

T: So.. can you help me? Tell me what I should do?"

As I said this conversation happened last week. The CEO has still not enlightened me. However 2 fantastic things have come out of this.

1) I asked one of my BFF's what she thought the best thing about me was. She said it is that she feels she can talk to me about anything without judgement and with understanding and empathy from me. She felt I was one of the few people in her life that wasn't superficial and that actually believed in greater purpose and meanings in life. She said "It certainly isn't because you're fun and exciting!!!"

2) Speaking to a colleague of the CEO I learnt that the CEO once sat on a monorail and went around the city in Sydney for over 8 hours until he could make his mind up about an important decision. Maybe that is what I should do next time I’m in Sydney town. I think it's a fantastic idea!

What do you think? Any ideas of what I should do with myself? How do you make such an important decision like this?

Let me know.




  1. i think you wold be great in so many roles Tal ;) pr yes, own business yes, tv presenting definitely yes, a suit in an advertising or marketing company - yes. world is your oyster beautiful thing xo (zoe)

  2. Thanks honey! Just got to see the first edit of the TV show! Argh... Scary!
