Saturday, February 27, 2010

Drinking + Sham Wow = Slap Chop

It never ceases to amaze me that as much as I have the best intentions to avoid going out on the weekends, I always end up in some sort of shamozel. Take last night for instance. A simple Friday night dinner with an old school friend turned into a late night party argueing the merits of "Sham Wow" verses "Slap Chop"!

Now this all started because her boyfriend had just received his delivery of Sham Wow. It took five people, a cocktail blender and a cupboard full of alcohol to read the Sham Wow instructions and convince the boyfriend that he must care for his Sham Wow's by rinsing each individually five times in warm water, and then hang them each up to dry. With loving care he proceeded to amuse us by treating those Sham Wow's like they were his new baby/ car/ boat/ family jewels. Lets just put it this way... The boyfriend loves the Sham Wow's. And in fact... We all loved the Sham Wow's.

It was in this state of Sham Wow bliss that someone decided to cause uncalled for conflict by debating that Sham Wow is dead and Slap Chop is the new Sham Wow. This suggestion opened the door for a massive hot blooded argument on the merits of both (in which my friend took the lead). To give her even more credit, she was sitting on the kitchen bench with her "club foot" resting under a warm Sham Wow whilst she was proving that Slap Chop was indeed better. In fact as I recall it was her sly manoeuvre of pulling out her trusty iPhone and googling a Slap Chop video that won her the battle.

Check them out and tell me what you think. Perhaps they were only hilarious because we were blind drunk. Maybe have a few beers then watch them.

PS: My friend is now referred to as "Club Foot" because she had a little boating accident (aka got blind drunk and jumped onto rocks) and split her foot open. With the swelling it looked a bit like a club foot. Now although she was the injured party with bandages and crutches she still looked more gorgeous than any of the girls that had actually dressed up for a night out. On ya club foot! ;-P

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