Monday, April 5, 2010

is 21 the new black?

Recently everywhere I go I have been hearing about girls my age with younger guys. Last year I met my first cougar, last month my friend took one home, last week it was written about all over the papers, and last night a hot young stud was the topic of hours of conversation!

What is it about these young post pubescent boys that make us girls so excited? Is it their fresh boyish looks, free of wrinkles and splashed with wide smiles and puppy dog eyes? Or is it their keen desire to please us in every which way possible? Endless praises, adoring eyes, spontaneity, witty banter are a few traits that come to mind. Is it that they don't hold back? Is it that they experiment and are playful, and fun?

Or is it just that they come free from baggage, they have no hang ups, and their hearts have not been ripped to shreds a million times over. Is it that they are less likely to have an ex wife, estranged children, or a crippling mortgage? Is it just that at 21 their soul focus is normally not money, career and possessions, so they have more time to enjoy the smaller things in life..?

There are a lot of positive things to say about dating a guy that is just entering adulthood, and in the last few months I guess I have probably heard most of them. But what about all the other things? The things that only come with age, wisdom, and experience? Personally the 21 year old phenomena does not make my heart beat faster or my eyes twinkle. I like people who know who they are already. And if they have baggage... how much stronger does it make them when they get through the tough times and come out the other end better than ever before? And lets not forget that there is definitely something wildly sexy about a man who is a real man! Or what about feeling safe in his arms, having great conversation, and just knowing that if things got tough they would have the life experience to know what to do. I'm not saying spontaneity, playfulness and endless adoration are not essential, I'm just saying that those characteristics are not exclusive to the age of 21!

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