Monday, March 1, 2010

CEO just gave me a chance!

"Behold the turtle. He makes progress only when he sticks his neck out"
(James B. Conant)

Oh may gosh. So... the CEO I asked to mentor me just called and is giving me a chance to prove myself. Tomorrow I have a modelling job so I start the day after. I'm really scared and excited. I'm not even sure exactly what I will be doing. All I know is that the marketing person is going away for three weeks and so I get three weeks to make myself indispensable. Arghhhhhhhhhhh! How exciting. I promise you this CEO is so inspiring. The whole company is set up so that each worker has their own goals to work towards in all areas of their lives. This means that employees are motivated to succeed rather than whinging about being at work. Most people I have worked with (or for) don't even care if you have a balanced family life or health problems.

I met this CEO guy through an old boyfriend and the changes I saw in my old boyfriend were amazing! He started thinking about the quality of his relationships, his career aspirations, his health and fitness, and he even started to work on his own personal development. That's why I contacted this particular company in the first place.

Arghhh I'm scared. What if I can't do the things they ask me to do? What if I'm no good? What if I make a fool of myself and don't deliver up to their expectations? I hate failing. I am determined to give this opportunity 100%! How will I know what I am capable of unless I try.

"Good opportunities are often disguised as hard labour.
That's why so few people recognise them."
(Ann Landers)

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