Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Boys and their toys

I just got off the plane (coming home from Sydney) and wouldn't you know it... I met a boy! And he was one that actually kept my interest!
I'm not sure if he knew what he was doing, actually let me rethink this.....
I think he knew exactly what he was doing. I would even go far as to bet that he has read that book "The Game".

He was witty and a little mysterious.
Interested but not too interested.
Sweet but he had balls.

Overall he displayed quite a few layers of himself, but he kept enough hidden so that I wanted to learn more. He told me a story about the meaning behind the fingers that you put your rings on, about their Greek God origins. This meant that he was touching my hand (thus making a connection), but it was to demonstrate a story so it didn't freak me out and make me run in the opposite direction. I swear to god these things are sounding like strategies out of the Game. And I fell for it! Well maybe not enough to actually call, but still, enough that I would be thinking and writing about him an hour later!
While we are on the subject of a book, my boss has asked me to read three this week as part of my personal and professional development. The first is GoGetter. This is a book set in the 1920's and follows the courageous story of an injured soldier. It's not actually about war, but about how he gets a job and how he exceeds the expectations of those around him and gives his best. It's a complicated read (because the language is so old), but its hugely motivating and makes you want to go get the most out of life, work, and yourself. I really do recommend this one. It only takes about an hour or so to read. Very short.

The second book is Fish. The story of how you can turn your workplace into a fun, positive and productive environment. It's actually really great and is based on Pike Place fish market in America. I also really recommend this one. Here is a little video trailer:

OK the third book is called QBQ and there is a story behind this one! The Go Getter book is all about going the extra mile... that anything is possible if you set your mind to it. Well my boss wanted me to read this book but there were no copies in the office and none in the bookstores according to the HR manager. I called three bookstores myself and went into 2 on the Gold Coast and 3 in Byron. No one had ever heard of it and no one had a copy. They could however order it in (arriving in 7-10 days) but I needed it asap so I could read it on my flight to Sydney today (and be a Go Getter). So my next option was ebooks online, but I couldn't print it out and didn't have a laptop to take with me to Sydney. Next I tried the Australian Libary online and that gave no result either. The night before leaving to Sydney I decided I would just have to wait. Then my boss said "Don't give up. If I said I would give you a million dollars if you found the book- you would find the book. Anything is possible if you really want it." So what did I do? I kept trying of course. Just to prove it to myself that I could do it.
When I got to the Gold Coast airport I asked the bookstore. No luck. When I got to Sydney airport I had the same problem. Then I had a hunch to go to the second hand stores at Broadway. They have rows of books there and I just felt I might find it in amongst them. They obviously don't have online catalogues so I spent hours searching through the book cases in two stores. Finally I decided to pop into Borders a few doors down. In this Borders I told the girl the story about how I had been searching and how it was really important to me. She found me a copy!!! The last one in Australia apparently. I had already called Borders and been in store at the Gold Coast and when I had asked them if there were any copies anywhere in Australia the answer was always no. So with all this effort put into QBQ I found it and found out that it was about taking responsibility for your own actions. About not placing blame on others and about being more proactive when faced with obstacles. It too was a short read and although I think it had a great message it wasn't as inspiring as Fish, or as empowering as Go Getter. I do think it creates an important link between the three though so it is worth the read...if you can find one.
In fact... that's a challenge!
PS: His toy was a camera. Apparently he works as a media photographer although he wouldn't give more information so who really knows!
PPS: He was cute. Really cute. In a strange way. And even more strange i like him seeing as though it felt like he was doing the Game strategies on me.
PPPS: What if i'm being cynical and he is actually just a really nice guy... who has never read the Game?
PPPS: Does it really matter? It worked didn't it? hmm should I contact him? he left the ball in my court. Always a bad move. Take control fellas!

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