Saturday, March 6, 2010

Surfer Boys and Terrorist Debarcle

Last week when I was flying to Sydney for Bonds I was at the airport sitting across from this guy and I started to get a really uneasy feeling inside. I watched him (whilst trying to pretend I wasn't looking at him) out of the corner of my eye and everything about him just seemed really strange. First of all he had his laptop open but didn't even type on it. Then he got out a white cloth and started wiping down the laptop! At this stage I'm freaking! In my head I was thinking
"fucking hell this guy looks like the dodgiest person I have ever seen and now he is wiping off his fingerprints from his laptop!"
So now of course I'm really staring at him. I'm wondering which flight he is on and what his next move will be. Then I notice he is actually looking outside at the plane I am about to get on and he is writing down some things on a tiny piece of paper in the palm of his hands. Now when I say looking outside I mean like seriously looking! The dodgy kind of looking (like what a teenager does before they are about to steal something from a store). Anyway so this tipped me over the edge. My insides are churning, I'm freaking out thinking there is going to be a terrorist attack and that I might be the only person who has noticed this guy doing weird stuff. By this stage I am no longer trying to hide the fact that I am staring at him. I am pretty much just staring at him right in the eyes. When he notices me looking he gets nervous and starts packing up!
Thankfully my plane had boarded by this stage and they were doing the final call. I was so stressed out about this terrorist guy that I almost missed my flight but I ran to the counter, gave them my boarding pass and just as I'm walking out the airport door onto the tarmac I decide that I have to tell someone. What if something happens and I am the only person who noticed this guy. I could stop this!
So.. at the last minute I grab an airline worker (I'm outside at this stage) and tell them all about the guy. They ask me who and I sneak up to the window and point him out and then they have a big discussion with more staff about what to do. At this point I leave and get on the plane. I sit in my chair feeling so proud of myself for having the guts to speak up. And then guess what....

The fucking guy gets on the plane!!! LAST PASSENGER!!!

I thought I was the last passenger :(

Oh my god. My heart is pounding! He walks past my seat and gives me a little smirk. I turn right around straining my neck to see where he is sitting and if he has the laptop with him. Then a guy in a yellow vest comes on the plane and has a little talk to the head flight attendant. I'm thinking thank you Jesus I'm saved! The air hostess calls out a guys name over the loud speaker and asks him to make himself known to flight staff. I turn around looking everywhere madly and no one puts their hand up. Least of all the terrorist! The flight attendant announces that the there has been a delay and we will be about another 15 minutes. I'm secretly thinking "F you Mr Terrorist... they are going to get you now... we're saved!" and then "why haven't they got him off the plane yet?" and then "oh fuck i better write a text to someone describing him in case we all die".

So then I turn my phone on just as they shut the door and start preparing for taxi-ing down the runway. I text away, punching in the letters at record speed so that I can get enough info sent as possible. Then I get told to turn it off. I reply "its really important in case we all die". The flight attendant stands there repeating to me to turn it off. I comply. I've obviously been defeated. I decide that he has won and that I should just enjoy my last hour on earth and be happy that I have had such a great life already. I decide to order a coffee and read my book. That is my final wish. Strangely my mind went very peaceful after I made that decision.

An hour and a half later the plane lands and I realise I am still alive. I tell myself that he must have been just scoping out the scene for an attack on a later date. Feeling happy to be alive I set off for my day in Sydney and my modelling work. That evening as I'm getting my plane back home I decide to go to the gate early and ask to be put on an earlier flight. Who should I run into at the gate??????? Mr Terrorist! Fuck me!!!! This is the later flight he was planning to attack. I run the opposite direction straight into duty free and splurge on some shopping, ecstatic that I am on the later flight and not his.

Now fast forward to this morning... Picture this... Walking down to the beach where they have had the Quicksilver Pro surfing comp, and then using a "friend of competitor" pass to get a free breakfast in the VIP area. Holy fuck. The first person I see as I am putting Vegemite onto my toast is Mr Terrorist. He walks straight up to me, says hello and proceeds to be the nicest guy ever!

Wow don't I feel like arsehole of the century. Fuck. I can't believe how wrong my intuition was. I feel sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo bad!!!!! I am so happy that people can't read thoughts because I was just so wrong to think of him like that. Fuck fuck fuck. I feel terrible!

Forgive me Mr Terrorist :(

I'm so sorry



PS: Two things...
1. I'm still walking at the beach every morning- so I'm on track for reach my goal of 21 days straight.
2. Work (not modelling) is hectic, awesome, crazy, fun, exciting, exhilarating and HARD WORK! My new job is going fantastically (is that a word). I will do a proper update soon I promise!

1 comment:

  1. wow. that was hilarious - i just burst into laughter at my desk and interrupted the office here.

    so, ...who was this guy? did u piece together why he was acting so creepily with his laptop???
