Sunday, March 14, 2010

Pay rise within a week? Another in a month?

As you know I have just started a new job doing all the marketing for a couple of brands. The company is set up so that they have a list of things you must complete to get promoted to a new level and get a pay rise. For example:

Read 2 business books
Achieve KPI's 4 weeks in a row
Train someone on something
Get a positive review from manager

It's really awesome because you can plan how you are going to tick them off and if you complete them there is no reason why you won't get a pay rise. There is also none of that job review anxiety where you wonder what they will say and if you will get promoted. It's very simple where I work... if you do the list... you are a success! I did the first list in a week. I got a pay rise. I want my second pay rise before the month is out.

Now there is one slight problem that I noticed with the level 2 list of things to complete last, and I worked hard to find a solution because I will be damned if I don't get a pay rise within a month. So the problem is this. The lists are catered towards sales staff. Although most of the tasks translate the ones such as measuring and reporting KPI's, job card completion, or "section reviews" are not as simple. Marketing doesn't have set things we do every day. Yes we measure the leads from marketing or advertising but everyday is different in the sense that I could be creating a brochure, a TV ad, a sales script, or just re ordering uniforms. Yesterday I spent 6 hours fixing images in Photoshop. How do I prove to my boss that I deserve a pay rise for that? Well... I figured out a way.

The sales guys have tables to measure their success with KPI's (Key Performance Indicators). They must record their targets ie; 10 sales per week and then record what they actually achieved. After 4 weeks they can prove how successful they are from this table. I decided to make up my own table so that I have a firm way to prove that I deserve a pay rise. It has to have the week commencing date at the top of the table, then it has 3 columns. These are "most important projects, due date, date completed". I just fill in the columns now and at the end of 4 weeks of successfully reaching all of my deadlines I can go to my boss and get my pay rise (of course only if I have done all the other things on the list too). Some of the things I included were "creating 4 brochures, reporting marketing to CEO, creating new business cards & designing product names for 4 new products". You can add anything in though, as long as it is a big task, with high significance to the company.

Job card reviews were a little harder to translate to marketing, although I did manage it after some thought. A job card is a list of daily tasks you do so that if you were away someone else could take over your role with no trouble at all. Once you do the task each day you have to tick it off. 4 weeks of ticks and you're one step closer to a pay rise, and the next level. The job card I was given was completely useless for my role. So... I spent the day recording in Excel every step that I took to do my job properly. I found that although I have a few set things I do every day, the rest is pretty random so I would include these week by week, at the beginning of the week and then tick it off as I move through the steps.

I told my sister about my pay rise mission last week and now she is thinking of ways in which she could apply this to her workplace. She really wants a pay rise but her boss is stingy and and wont budge. My suggestion to her was to go above and beyond her job description, keep a record, save him time or money, record it, and then approach the subject when you have hard evidence of how fantastic you are. She did just that. She worked out a way to save 20 lecturers 15 minutes each. Considering they get paid over a hundred dollars an hour that's a small wad of cash right there. On top of that she designed a system that would make the customers (the students) more happy, and save them time and the library resources. She wrote out a plan and she is now on her way to her boss to present the idea, implement it, measure it's success, and demand a pay rise! Woo go Eb!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Boys and their toys

I just got off the plane (coming home from Sydney) and wouldn't you know it... I met a boy! And he was one that actually kept my interest!
I'm not sure if he knew what he was doing, actually let me rethink this.....
I think he knew exactly what he was doing. I would even go far as to bet that he has read that book "The Game".

He was witty and a little mysterious.
Interested but not too interested.
Sweet but he had balls.

Overall he displayed quite a few layers of himself, but he kept enough hidden so that I wanted to learn more. He told me a story about the meaning behind the fingers that you put your rings on, about their Greek God origins. This meant that he was touching my hand (thus making a connection), but it was to demonstrate a story so it didn't freak me out and make me run in the opposite direction. I swear to god these things are sounding like strategies out of the Game. And I fell for it! Well maybe not enough to actually call, but still, enough that I would be thinking and writing about him an hour later!
While we are on the subject of a book, my boss has asked me to read three this week as part of my personal and professional development. The first is GoGetter. This is a book set in the 1920's and follows the courageous story of an injured soldier. It's not actually about war, but about how he gets a job and how he exceeds the expectations of those around him and gives his best. It's a complicated read (because the language is so old), but its hugely motivating and makes you want to go get the most out of life, work, and yourself. I really do recommend this one. It only takes about an hour or so to read. Very short.

The second book is Fish. The story of how you can turn your workplace into a fun, positive and productive environment. It's actually really great and is based on Pike Place fish market in America. I also really recommend this one. Here is a little video trailer:

OK the third book is called QBQ and there is a story behind this one! The Go Getter book is all about going the extra mile... that anything is possible if you set your mind to it. Well my boss wanted me to read this book but there were no copies in the office and none in the bookstores according to the HR manager. I called three bookstores myself and went into 2 on the Gold Coast and 3 in Byron. No one had ever heard of it and no one had a copy. They could however order it in (arriving in 7-10 days) but I needed it asap so I could read it on my flight to Sydney today (and be a Go Getter). So my next option was ebooks online, but I couldn't print it out and didn't have a laptop to take with me to Sydney. Next I tried the Australian Libary online and that gave no result either. The night before leaving to Sydney I decided I would just have to wait. Then my boss said "Don't give up. If I said I would give you a million dollars if you found the book- you would find the book. Anything is possible if you really want it." So what did I do? I kept trying of course. Just to prove it to myself that I could do it.
When I got to the Gold Coast airport I asked the bookstore. No luck. When I got to Sydney airport I had the same problem. Then I had a hunch to go to the second hand stores at Broadway. They have rows of books there and I just felt I might find it in amongst them. They obviously don't have online catalogues so I spent hours searching through the book cases in two stores. Finally I decided to pop into Borders a few doors down. In this Borders I told the girl the story about how I had been searching and how it was really important to me. She found me a copy!!! The last one in Australia apparently. I had already called Borders and been in store at the Gold Coast and when I had asked them if there were any copies anywhere in Australia the answer was always no. So with all this effort put into QBQ I found it and found out that it was about taking responsibility for your own actions. About not placing blame on others and about being more proactive when faced with obstacles. It too was a short read and although I think it had a great message it wasn't as inspiring as Fish, or as empowering as Go Getter. I do think it creates an important link between the three though so it is worth the read...if you can find one.
In fact... that's a challenge!
PS: His toy was a camera. Apparently he works as a media photographer although he wouldn't give more information so who really knows!
PPS: He was cute. Really cute. In a strange way. And even more strange i like him seeing as though it felt like he was doing the Game strategies on me.
PPPS: What if i'm being cynical and he is actually just a really nice guy... who has never read the Game?
PPPS: Does it really matter? It worked didn't it? hmm should I contact him? he left the ball in my court. Always a bad move. Take control fellas!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Surfer Boys and Terrorist Debarcle

Last week when I was flying to Sydney for Bonds I was at the airport sitting across from this guy and I started to get a really uneasy feeling inside. I watched him (whilst trying to pretend I wasn't looking at him) out of the corner of my eye and everything about him just seemed really strange. First of all he had his laptop open but didn't even type on it. Then he got out a white cloth and started wiping down the laptop! At this stage I'm freaking! In my head I was thinking
"fucking hell this guy looks like the dodgiest person I have ever seen and now he is wiping off his fingerprints from his laptop!"
So now of course I'm really staring at him. I'm wondering which flight he is on and what his next move will be. Then I notice he is actually looking outside at the plane I am about to get on and he is writing down some things on a tiny piece of paper in the palm of his hands. Now when I say looking outside I mean like seriously looking! The dodgy kind of looking (like what a teenager does before they are about to steal something from a store). Anyway so this tipped me over the edge. My insides are churning, I'm freaking out thinking there is going to be a terrorist attack and that I might be the only person who has noticed this guy doing weird stuff. By this stage I am no longer trying to hide the fact that I am staring at him. I am pretty much just staring at him right in the eyes. When he notices me looking he gets nervous and starts packing up!
Thankfully my plane had boarded by this stage and they were doing the final call. I was so stressed out about this terrorist guy that I almost missed my flight but I ran to the counter, gave them my boarding pass and just as I'm walking out the airport door onto the tarmac I decide that I have to tell someone. What if something happens and I am the only person who noticed this guy. I could stop this!
So.. at the last minute I grab an airline worker (I'm outside at this stage) and tell them all about the guy. They ask me who and I sneak up to the window and point him out and then they have a big discussion with more staff about what to do. At this point I leave and get on the plane. I sit in my chair feeling so proud of myself for having the guts to speak up. And then guess what....

The fucking guy gets on the plane!!! LAST PASSENGER!!!

I thought I was the last passenger :(

Oh my god. My heart is pounding! He walks past my seat and gives me a little smirk. I turn right around straining my neck to see where he is sitting and if he has the laptop with him. Then a guy in a yellow vest comes on the plane and has a little talk to the head flight attendant. I'm thinking thank you Jesus I'm saved! The air hostess calls out a guys name over the loud speaker and asks him to make himself known to flight staff. I turn around looking everywhere madly and no one puts their hand up. Least of all the terrorist! The flight attendant announces that the there has been a delay and we will be about another 15 minutes. I'm secretly thinking "F you Mr Terrorist... they are going to get you now... we're saved!" and then "why haven't they got him off the plane yet?" and then "oh fuck i better write a text to someone describing him in case we all die".

So then I turn my phone on just as they shut the door and start preparing for taxi-ing down the runway. I text away, punching in the letters at record speed so that I can get enough info sent as possible. Then I get told to turn it off. I reply "its really important in case we all die". The flight attendant stands there repeating to me to turn it off. I comply. I've obviously been defeated. I decide that he has won and that I should just enjoy my last hour on earth and be happy that I have had such a great life already. I decide to order a coffee and read my book. That is my final wish. Strangely my mind went very peaceful after I made that decision.

An hour and a half later the plane lands and I realise I am still alive. I tell myself that he must have been just scoping out the scene for an attack on a later date. Feeling happy to be alive I set off for my day in Sydney and my modelling work. That evening as I'm getting my plane back home I decide to go to the gate early and ask to be put on an earlier flight. Who should I run into at the gate??????? Mr Terrorist! Fuck me!!!! This is the later flight he was planning to attack. I run the opposite direction straight into duty free and splurge on some shopping, ecstatic that I am on the later flight and not his.

Now fast forward to this morning... Picture this... Walking down to the beach where they have had the Quicksilver Pro surfing comp, and then using a "friend of competitor" pass to get a free breakfast in the VIP area. Holy fuck. The first person I see as I am putting Vegemite onto my toast is Mr Terrorist. He walks straight up to me, says hello and proceeds to be the nicest guy ever!

Wow don't I feel like arsehole of the century. Fuck. I can't believe how wrong my intuition was. I feel sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo bad!!!!! I am so happy that people can't read thoughts because I was just so wrong to think of him like that. Fuck fuck fuck. I feel terrible!

Forgive me Mr Terrorist :(

I'm so sorry



PS: Two things...
1. I'm still walking at the beach every morning- so I'm on track for reach my goal of 21 days straight.
2. Work (not modelling) is hectic, awesome, crazy, fun, exciting, exhilarating and HARD WORK! My new job is going fantastically (is that a word). I will do a proper update soon I promise!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Drunky Mc Drunk Drunk

Just kiddin... only had two wines ;-P
It was a long day at work! I loved every minute of it but I still don't understand why offices have 4 closed in walls with no windows and no trees. Why can't we take a laptop out into nature and do our work there? Maybe when I'm a CEO I can implement this.

Today I stuck to my morning goal... my beach walk. It was absolutely serene. The sun was shining on my face and the wind was blowing the sand across my feet. The ocean was ridged and messy with no natural pattern to be seen. It's amazing how beautiful nature can be if you take the time to notice it. Often in our busy lives we have so much going on that we miss the little things. Remember the little things. They add up and give the greatest happiness in life when appreciated.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

First day of work

Today was the start of the rest of my life and because of its importance I decided to make some key goals. Everything in this world can always be improved, and I am no exception to this rule. Therefore today I decided to implement a new habit that would help me reach one of my goals. Apparently 21 consecutive days of doing a new habit makes it dissolve into a part of your daily routine (like brushing your teeth in the morning). My overall goal is to be healthier and as part of that I want to go for daily walks on the beach. The beach soothes my mind and relaxes me, and the walking is great for my figure. To make sure I don't weasel my way out of it I am going to get up earlier each morning and do it before anything else in my day. If its raining I'll still get up at the same time but I will use my walking time to read biographies and inspirational books. So... 21 consecutive days and hopefully then it will start to feel like a part of my routine.

Walk #1: Was amazing! The sun was shining through one hole in the clouds and I found a glass bottle with living barnicles and pipi-like creatures attached to it. When the wave washed over it, the little animals inside the shells would poke their (for lack of a better word) heads out. A couple of surfers were tackling the rips and a mum was playing with her two young children. All in all my walk this morning was a classic representation of all that is beautiful in this world. It was a perfect way to start my first day of work.

The other day I talked about my fear of starting this new job. When ever I do a new task that I have previously not done I feel scared and uncomfortable. I think it has to do with worrying that I will do it wrong, or that I won't be up to scratch. Today I got thrown in the deep end and told I will be running the marketing department for three weeks. Getting stuck into it straight away I did a task in about 2 hours that would normally take 5 minutes! I felt sooooooo out of my league. Anyway things got a little better after lunch. I got to do a task that I felt quite comfortable with (only because I've done it so many times before). I had to source some GWP (gift with purchase) items, and I did this in record time. If I do say so myself I think the options I presented were fantastic! After that I had a meeting with HR to discuss induction, hours, and pay etc. This was hugely interesting because the CEO hasn't told HR yet what money I'm on. Pay goes in on Sunday. Hopefully he decides what I'm worth before then... and it better be good!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Flying High Wisdom

Just got off the plane from Sydney to Gold Coast for a modelling job for Bonds. First day of proper work tomorrow and I am so exhausted but I promised myself I was going to write down this awesome quote from the book I was reading on the flight. It totally inspired me because yesterday I was holding onto fears about starting this new job, and now I feel excited and pumped for the challenge. Here... take a read...

"Fear is a conditioned response: a life-sucking habit that can easily consume your energy, creativity and spirit if you are not careful. When fear rears its ugly head, beat it down quickly. The best way to do that is to do the thing you fear. Understand the anatomy of fear. It is your own creation. Like any other creation, it is just as easy to tear it down as it is to erect it."

(The Monk who sold his Ferrari, Robin S. Sharma)

And here is a little video too...

It might sound a bit "new age" but it helped me conquer my worries about this job. I'm just going to try my hardest for three weeks and see where it takes me. If I find my place in the world, then fantastic, and if I don't... well, at least I'll be one step closer.



Monday, March 1, 2010

CEO just gave me a chance!

"Behold the turtle. He makes progress only when he sticks his neck out"
(James B. Conant)

Oh may gosh. So... the CEO I asked to mentor me just called and is giving me a chance to prove myself. Tomorrow I have a modelling job so I start the day after. I'm really scared and excited. I'm not even sure exactly what I will be doing. All I know is that the marketing person is going away for three weeks and so I get three weeks to make myself indispensable. Arghhhhhhhhhhh! How exciting. I promise you this CEO is so inspiring. The whole company is set up so that each worker has their own goals to work towards in all areas of their lives. This means that employees are motivated to succeed rather than whinging about being at work. Most people I have worked with (or for) don't even care if you have a balanced family life or health problems.

I met this CEO guy through an old boyfriend and the changes I saw in my old boyfriend were amazing! He started thinking about the quality of his relationships, his career aspirations, his health and fitness, and he even started to work on his own personal development. That's why I contacted this particular company in the first place.

Arghhh I'm scared. What if I can't do the things they ask me to do? What if I'm no good? What if I make a fool of myself and don't deliver up to their expectations? I hate failing. I am determined to give this opportunity 100%! How will I know what I am capable of unless I try.

"Good opportunities are often disguised as hard labour.
That's why so few people recognise them."
(Ann Landers)

Emotions and Confrontation

In every book you read the advice is always the same. Never confront someone when you are emotionally charged. It sounds very simple in theory but often in life we choose to overlook small things that annoy us until suddenly something sets us off and we explode. This is what happened to me yesterday. Over the past few months a very close friend of mine has done a few little things that annoy me, and I haven’t confronted her about them. This in itself is bad enough as it is always better to confront each issue as they happen rather than ignoring them and hoping that they will get better. Anyway this particular friend has many amazing qualities. She is smart, caring, fun, and loyal and has real drive and ambition. These qualities are what I love about her but unfortunately there are other little things that have obviously annoyed me more than I thought because when something triggered me I exploded and let loose, naming all of them at once!

When I confront someone I normally have to write down what I’m going to say. I’m quite hot headed and I get defensive, so if I write it down it makes me stay on track and not let things get too nasty or out of control. Obviously yesterday in the spare of the moment I certainly hadn’t planned on confronting my friend, and so I had no notes, and yes I got emotional and took it too far. Now just for the record I know that this is totally not the way you should go about confronting someone you have issues with. When you’re emotional you say things you don’t mean, or you say the things you do mean in a harsher tone. Although what I did say was essentially true (i.e. my perception of the truth based on my own feelings at the time) it wasn’t in the way I would have liked to bring it up. I love my friend and I’m there for her. I do accept her for good and bad (just as she has accepted me), but I guess in my subconscious I had things I needed to say. It’s a pity I emotionally exploded though; it’s a shitty thing to do.