Saturday, December 18, 2010

Dating Disaster!

Arrgh tonight was the worst date EVER!!! Well at least it wasn't my date, but gosh it was soooo bad I thought I had better share the story. You might want to sit down for this one.

So.. the other day I was walking down the beach and ran into this hot guy I haven't seen for ages. We chatted for a bit and then went on our merry little way. A little later it occurred to me that this guy would be perfect for my friend and my friend would be perfect for him.
1st They are both HOT and each others 'type'
2nd They both want to settle down and have a family
3rd They both like nature and outdoor activities, but also the finer things in life
4th He likes naughty but nice in a girl and she is wife-like but naughty in the bedroom

See... Perfect match! Well pretty good anyway. So... this was a couple of weeks ago and I've been texting my little arse off to organise a discreet meet and greet. Tonight was the night! We had it all planned... He would bring a couple of guys, I would bring my friend and another girl, we would meet for drinks and dinner at an awesome new place in Bondi, and we would see where the night took them! Hmm well that was the plan!

The reality was that I ended up being the dinner date with the boys and the girls got drunk and ditched us at the last minute. A few hours later we went to the pub to meet them. I introduced the hot guy to my friend and she promptly turned her back on him, slurred her words and tipped over a glass of champagne. The next 20minutes passed with a few titty comments, some drunken slurred conversation and a lot of looking around and walking off! Drunky mc drunk drunk! So.. we weren't in dating hell yet but it all went downhill from there :(

We decide to bail to a roof top party on the beach at Bondi. Walking out of the pub my girlfriend (who I dearly love and think is the best!) walks straight out on the road and was about 5cm's away from getting hit by a big mafia looking dude in a car! At this point the hot guy is thinking "oh fuck what have I got myself in for here". 2 seconds later my darling friend runs out on the road again but this jumps into a taxi! There were 5 of us heading to the party so obviously we couldn't all fit in so my two girlfriends jump in and I'm left with the boys. They call us a second later asking where we are going. Fast Forward to the main street of Bondi where we enter a bottle shop. My girlfriend smashes a bottle of red wine! 100 meters down the road she trips down a gutter and almost twists her ankle! As the hottie was helping her up she slurred "wanna grab my tits a little more next time". Not a good look so far and not exactly living up to the "wife material" description I had advertised. Hmm next up a change into thongs for a safer walk to the party, and a little bit of falling over and rolling around in the grass near the footpath. And then argh we look the other way for a minute and my poor friend is heading out into the middle of the road and laying down as 4 cars come speeding down it! Fuck! This is out of control! McHottie runs into the road, stops traffic and saves her, picking her up and bringing her to the safety of the sidewalk! Ohhh night in shining amour!

Ok from that incident we obviously we tried our best to put her into a cab but she wouldn't have a bar of it! Aghh so we gave up and wandered a little further down the street to climb the stairs to the roof top party! Thank god no incidences on the stairs and actually on the roof the two of them had conversation and I was beginning to think this may not end so badly after all. But then my girlfriend needs to go to the bathroom and disappears by herself. While we are looking for her she cut her foot open on glass, and went to the road again where 3 drunk guys tried to pick her up/ molest her. She ran away and jumped in a cab and went home.

My poor friend. What if that was the guy of her dreams and she just destroyed any chance of even finding out because she was so utterly shit faced! Fair enough she had been drinking for 6 hours before we arrived so it is actually probably my fault for taking the guy to the pub to meet her in the first place. No actually it is her fault for not turning up to dinner. If she had of come to dinner she wouldn't have been so drunk and at least he would have had a chance to see her good side! And she really does have so many good parts. The most of anyone I know. I have honestly never seen her so drunk, or anyone that drunk for that matter. Poor love. The hottie was good about it. I feel sorry for him too. He thought he was meeting the girl of his dreams and ended up a little disappointed.

Everyone says set ups are bad. I honestly thought this was a match made in heaven. And actually I have seen him pretty drunk over the years so it's not like it doesn't happen to everyone once in a while. Maybe I can try again with the set up, but perhaps a breakfast, or lunch this time, with no alcohol. Or perhaps it just wasn't meant to be :(

I just want them both to find love and be happy.

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