Friday, December 24, 2010

Finally a pick up line that worked

Haha so I was leaning against a railing at a shopping center eating sushi and this totally hot guy walked past. I was checking him out (as you do) and he caught me looking and started laughing at me. I smiled back and then to my surprise he walked over and said "so um can I please borrow 5 minutes of your time?" Of course I said "of course". He explained to me that he has been working really hard and that he was last minute Christmas shopping and needed help figuring out what to get his sister in law for Christmas. I came up with a few suggestions and then he had such a lost look on his face that I offered to go with him and help him find the shop I was talking about.

We ended up getting slightly lost on the way and chatted constantly. He told me he had just come out of a 5 year relationship and that usually his girlfriend would be helping him with this sort of stuff and that basically he had no clue what to buy anyone. I confessed that I too recently broke up and that I was finding it weird getting attention from boys other than my ex. I guess from there it took the pressure off and we ended up spending the whole afternoon together getting to know each other and buying presents for his whole family. It was great! It's so strange that yesterday I was writing a blog about how it made me feel uncomfortable being touched by another man, yet here I was a day later being touched and flirted with and I felt totally at ease. I think it was because it was day time, because he was newly single and had his own things to work through, and also because we were doing the thing I love most- shopping!

We walked side by side around the shops playing with toys for kids, spraying perfume, and laughing and giggling like two little school kids. It was nice. And it was refreshing. We talked about family, about our past relationships, about what went wrong, why they weren't right, what we want out of life and everything in between. It's so funny how life throws these curve balls at you just to mix things up a little.

I remember a couple of weeks ago I wrote a blog about love and other catastrophes. About how meeting someone new makes your heart beat a little bit faster, makes you nervous with anticipation and kinda makes you giddy with desire. It's so true. And the funny thing is I was talking to a girlfriend today and she was asking my advice because since she has fallen in love she has gone from being a confident independent woman to second guessing herself for no reason. My reply was "I'm not gonna say love is fucked because I love love, but fuck it fucks you up!" And it's true and I still believe that even with all the down points and all the heartbreak after the love is over, and all the hard times during the love, it is still the best thing on earth and the reason why humans exist. It has to be. And i'm not saying I love this new guy after a day or anything like that but it did make my heart jump a little and my body responded to his touch just the way it should do with someone you click with. It reminded me not to be scared of new men, and to let people in because the connection and the experience is worth it in the end.

After hours mucking around together and buying presents for his mum, dad, brother, sister in law, niece AND his ex girlfriend (I got her a massage gift voucher- nice- says I still care about you, but doesn't say I love you and want you back like jewelry or something personal)... anyway after hours of shopping and talking and flirting he walked me to my car and we said our good byes. It was the perfect ending to a perfect day with a complete stranger and I loved every minute of it. And I prey to god he doesn't read this but I just thought it was too random and nice not to share.


PS: And that first text that makes ur heart skip a beat... well it was a cracka! But that's another story...

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