Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The first (post ex) kiss

Oh my god the first kiss! It felt so strange being with someone that isn't my boyfriend (ex boyfriend I mean). Someone else's touch, the heat of his skin on mine, his lips kissing down my neck and his arms pulling me in close to his body. It was weird. But it was nice. And the more he kissed me the more natural it became.

It all happened because I finally agreed to see a movie with him. I thought a movie was quite casual. No drinking. No talking. No flirting opportunities. I thought it was a safe way to ease back into the world of dating. Two hours before he changed it to dinner and a movie. So I met him for dinner. And we talked. And we flirted. And he looked at me with those big brown Italian eyes and he told me his story. And we connected. By the time the movie came around I was still feeling a bit awkward and joking that it was NOT a date. In the movie it was like we were at high school. I kept wondering if he was going to try and hold my hand. And he did. And it felt nice having his fingers entwined with mine. But then I thought of my ex and once again I felt awkward. I pulled away. I told him I was awkward. He didn't try again. At the end of the movie he walked me to the carpark to say goodbye. I gave him a hug goodbye and a kiss on the cheek which was one of those kisses that end up being a peck on the lips because one party moves their face towards the other. I let him go, giggled and walked away. He looked at me. He said don't go and then before I knew it he had covered the two steps that were between us and hand my face in his hands and was kissing my lips softly but intensely. Pulling me closer he felt down my back and made my body move next to his. My head started to say no, but then it gave up and let itself go, loosing itself into the first kiss. That first magical kiss that makes your heart beat faster and that gives your body goose bumps. His lips were soft but they were pressed firmly against mine. Exploring my mouth like an untouched cavern. It was bliss.

In the middle of the car park, like two teenagers, we made out with everyone from the movies walking by. We forgot about the people and lost ourselves in the moment. When we finally came up for air the car park was deserted and we were the only people there. I pulled away. I said I had to go. He held my hand and he walked me to my car. He didn't want to let me go. He just kept pulling me in for more kisses. Holding my face in his hands, stroking my hair, biting my neck and running his fingers down my spine. God I was confused. I liked it. But it was new and strange and not the man I was used to. For most people a rebound kiss happens on a drunken night out. I was completely sober. I still had my ex in my thoughts. I couldn't help it. But I did like it. And it did feel nice having strong arms wrapped around me. It has been a long time.

Hmm what next! He has already called and texted and it's only been an hour since I left him in the car park.

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