Friday, December 31, 2010

My how things change

If someone had of told me a week ago that I would be in this position today I would never have believed them. It's funny how the world works, throwing different people and opportunities in your direction just when you least expect it. Opening up a new door as another one closes.

As humans we tend to focus on the here and the now when it comes to pain or suffering, but when it comes to the potential for love and happiness we look into the future and forget to live in the now. A month ago my boyfriend and I broke up, and I was told by the surgeons that I had to get my intestines out. I was devastated. But life goes on, and things change. And now I'm in a completely different situation to the 1st of December, and in fact I feel like a completely new woman. It's incredible.

I guess the point of this little rant is to say that it is a new year starting tomorrow. If you fall in love, I advise to live in the moment and enjoy it for what it is. Don't get too caught up in a future that hasn't happened and may never happen. Just enjoy yourself. If you go through pain or heartbreak, know that it will pass, just as it did with me. Time heals everything and here I sit today starting a new year with my intestines in my body, a smile on my face, and a happy heart.

Have a fantastic NYE everyone, and remember to spend at least a little time evaluating the last year and deciding what you want for 2011.

PS: Shopboy is in the "no go" zone for blogs right now... got in trouble for writing about him. I still will... but i'll wait a month or so till the heat dies down. Stay tuned...

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