Wednesday, December 29, 2010

When there is nothing left to say/ Ex sex

Because I've been going through a break up I've had so many conversations about why it happened and what went wrong. Conversations about what he said, what I said, how he feels, how I feel, what's he going to do, what am I going to do... what we are not going to do ergh the list is endless! When does it stop? I'm sick of talking about it. I'm sick of thinking about it and quite frankly I'm sick of it being a part of my life. Every day that has passed since we broke up we have talked about "our breakup" and it's exhausting.

If it's broken and we are not going to fix it why keep talking about why it is in pieces? Or even worse why keep talking about the pieces? The big pieces that still look nice and that we still want to keep. Or the shattered pieces which are all over the floor and we have no desire to pick them up again. I feel like we have just been going around and around in circles and finally it's just time to get out the dustpan and broom, pick it all up and dump it in the trash. It was a nice vase, but its broken, it's not going to hold water and flowers in it anymore. You can't use it for something else either. It's just too far gone.

This morning I hit that point. I just finally realised that I had been going about this totally the wrong way. I had wanted to stay friends but at the end of the day that's not going to work if we still want to sleep with each other is it? Even if we both understand that the love is not there connecting sexually is just going to bring us together again and then we are in the same situation as before. Awesome sex, but no future. What is the point in that? I'm sure sex with someone else will be just as good. It will probably even be better seeing as there is non of the hang ups that are connected to a relationship that is over. No let me rephrase that. Where the love is over but there is still a relationship. What's the point in having sex with your ex?

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